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Transmission Removal

Transmission Removal

Special Tools Required
- Engine hanger/adapter VSB02C000015 *
- Engine support hanger, A & Reds AAR-T-12566 *
- Subframe adapter VSB02C000016 *

* Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program 888-424-6857.

NOTE: Use fender covers to avoid damaging painted surfaces.

1. Secure the hood in its vertical position (support rod in the lower hole).
2. Make sure you have the anti-theft codes for the radio and the navigation system, then write down the frequencies for the radio's preset buttons. Disconnect the negative (-) cable first, then the positive (+) cable from the battery. Remove the battery.
3. Remove the air cleaner housing.
4. Remove the battery base.

5. Carefully remove the slave cylinder without bending the clutch line. Do not operate the clutch pedal once the slave cylinder has been removed.

6. Remove the cable bracket (A), then disconnect the cables (B) from the top of the transmission housing. Carefully remove both cables and the bracket together to avoid bending the cables.

7. Disconnect the countershaft speed sensor connector (A), back-up light switch connector (B), and reverse lockout solenoid connector (C).

8. Disconnect the secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (secondary HO2S) connector (A), then remove the bracket (B).

9. Remove the engine front mount stop (A) and the engine mount front mounting bolt (B).

10. Remove the engine rear mount stop.

11. Remove the steering gearbox mounting bolts.

12. Remove the transmission upper mounting bolts.

13. Attach the special tool to the threaded holes in the cylinder head.

14. Install the engine support hanger (A) to the vehicle, then attach the hook to the special tool.

15. Remove the transmission mount bracket (A) and ground cable (B).

NOTE: Be careful not to drop the mount bracket collar (C).

16. Raise the vehicle, and make sure it is securely supported.
17. Drain the transmission fluid. Reinstall the drain bolt with a new washer.

18. Remove the splash shield.

19. Remove the exhaust pipe A.
20. Separate the front stabilizer link.
21. Remove the damper fork.
22. Separate the knuckle from the lower arm.
23. Remove the inboard joint of driveshafts.
24. Remove the intermediate shaft.

25. Remove the heat shield.

26. Remove the power steering line bracket mounting bolt.

27. Remove the power steering line from the subframe (two clamps and one mounting bracket bolt).

28. Remove the rear engine mount lower mounting bolts.

29. Remove the transmission lower mount mounting nuts.

30. Remove the middle subframe mounting bolts.

31. Make the appropriate reference lines (A) at both ends of the subframe (B) that line up with the edge (C) of the stiffeners (D).

32. Support the subframe with the subframe adapter and a jack.

33. Remove the front suspension subframe stays (A) and front suspension subframe (B).

NOTE: Suspend the steering gearbox with an appropriate support before lowering the subframe.

34. Remove the front engine mount upper bracket.

35. Remove the shift cable bracket (A), rear engine mount upper mounting bolt (B) and rear engine mount (C).

36. Remove the rear engine mount upper bracket.

37. Remove the clutch cover.

38. Place the transmission jack under the transmission, and remove the transmission lower mounting bolts.
39. Pull the transmission away from the engine until the transmission mainshaft clears the clutch pressure plate, then lower the transmission on the transmission jack.

40. Remove the transmission lower front mount (A) and transmission lower rear mount (B).

NOTE: Be careful not to drop the mount bracket collar (C).

41. Remove the release fork boot (A) from the clutch housing (B).
42. Remove the release fork (C) from the clutch housing by squeezing the release fork set spring (D) with pliers. Remove the release bearing (E).