Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1. Transmission End Cover Disassemble & Service

End Cover Removal

Special Tools Required
- Mainshaft holder 07GAB-PF50101 or 07GAB-PF50100

1. Remove the two bolts securing the ATF cooler inlet line brackets, ATF filter bracket bolt, line bolt, and remove the ATF cooler line/ATF filter (D) and filter brackets (E).
2. Remove the ATF cooler outlet line (F).
3. Remove the dipstick guide pipe (G).
4. Remove the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A, ATF joint pipes, ATF pipe, and gasket.
5. Remove the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves B and C, ATF joint pipes, and gasket.
6. Remove the transmission range switch cover (H).
7. Remove the transmission range switch harness clamps (I) from the clamp bracket (J), then remove the transmission range switch (K).
8. Remove the end cover (L), dowel pins, O-rings, and end cover gasket.

9. Slip the special tool onto the mainshaft.
10. Engage the park pawl with the park gear.

11. Cut the lock tab (A) of the each shaft locknut (B) using a chisel (C). Then remove the locknuts and conical spring washers from each shaft.

- Countershaft and secondary shaft locknuts have left-hand threads.
- Keep all of the chiseled particles out of the transmission.
- Clean the old mainshaft and countershaft locknuts; they are used to install the press fit idler gear on the mainshaft, and park gear on the countershaft.

12. Remove the special tool from the mainshaft.

13. Set a two-jaw (or three-jaw) puller (A) on the countershaft (B) by putting a spacer (C) between the puller and countershaft, then remove the park gear (D).

14. Install a 6 x 1.0 mm bolts (A) on the mainshaft idler gear (B). Set a puller (C) on the mainshaft (D) with putting a spacer (E) between the puller and mainshaft, then remove the mainshaft idler gear.
15. Remove the park pawl, park pawl spring, park pawl shaft, and stop shaft.
16. Remove the park lever from the control shaft.

Park Lever Stop Inspection and Adjustment
1. Set the park lever in the [P] position.

2. Measure the distance (A) between the park pawl shaft (B) and the park lever roller pin (C).
Standard: 57.7 - 58.7 mm (2.27 - 2.31 inch)

3. If the measurement is out of standard, select and install the appropriate park lever stop (A) from the table shown.


4. After replacing the park lever stop, make sure the distance is within tolerance.

Idler Gear Shaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Required
- Adjustable bearing puller, 25 - 40 mm 07736-A01000B or 07736-A01000A
- Driver 07749-0010000
- Attachment, 52 x 55 mm 07746-0010400

1. Remove the idler gear shaft bearing (A) from the end cover (B) with the special tool.

2. Install the new bearing in the end cover with the special tools.

Control Shaft Oil Seal Replacement

Special Tools Required
- Driver 07749-0010000
- Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-0010800

1. Remove the oil seal (A) from the end cover (B).

2. Install the new oil seal flush to the end cover with the special tools.

Control Shaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Required
- Driver 07749-0010000
- Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-0010800

1. Remove the oil seal from the end cover, then remove the bearing.

2. Install the new bearing flush to the end cover with the special tools.
3. Install the new oil seal.

ATF Feed Pipe Replacement

1. Remove the snap rings (A), ATF feed pipes (B), and feed pipe flanges (C) from the end cover (D).

NOTE: Replace the end cover, if the 1st clutch ATF feed pipe (E) replacement is required.

2. Install the new O-rings (F) over the ATF feed pipes.
3. Install the ATF feed pipes in the end cover by aligning the feed pipe tabs with the indentations in the end cover.
4. Install the new O-rings (G) in the end cover, then install the feed pipe flanges over the ATF feed pipes.
5. Secure the ATF feed pipes and feed pipe flanges with the snap rings.