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Condenser Fan Circuit Troubleshooting

Condenser Fan Circuit Troubleshooting

NOTE: Do not use this troubleshooting procedure if the radiator fan and/or the compressor is inoperative, refer to the symptom troubleshooting index.

1. Check the No.9 (20 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box, and the No.30 (75 A) fuse in the under dash fuse/relay box.

Are the fuses OK ?

YES - Go to step 2.

NO - Replace the fuse(s), and recheck.

2. Remove the condenser fan relay from the under hood fuse/relay box, and test it.

Is the relay OK?

YES - Go to step 3.

NO - Replace the condenser fan relay.

3. Measure the voltage between the No.1 terminal of the condenser fan relay 4P socket and body ground.

Is there battery voltage?

YES - Go to step 4.

NO - Replace the under hood fuse/relay box.

4. Connect the No.1 and No.2 terminals of the condenser fan relay 4P socket with a jumper wire.

Does the condenser fan run?

YES - Go to step 5.

NO - Go to step 8.

5. Disconnect the jumper wire.
6. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).

7. Measure the voltage between the No.3 terminal of the condenser fan relay 4P socket and body ground.

Is there battery voltage?

YES - Replace the under hood fuse/relay box.

NO - Repair open in the BLK/YEL wire between the No.30 fuse in the under dash fuse/relay box and the condenser fan relay.

8. Disconnect the jumper wire.
9. Disconnect the condenser fan 2P connector.

10. Check for continuity between the No.2 terminal of the condenser fan relay 4P socket and the No.2 terminal of the condenser fan 2P connector.

Is there continuity?

YES - Go to step 11.

NO - Repair open in the wire between the condenser fan relay and the condenser fan.

11. Check for continuity between the No.1 terminal of the condenser fan 2P connector and body ground.

Is there continuity?

YES - Replace the condenser fan motor.

NO - Check for an open in the wire between the condenser fan and body ground. If the wire is OK, check for poor ground at G201.