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Oil Pan Installation

Oil Pan Installation

Special Tools Required
^ Engine hanger plate EQS00BRSX0

1. Remove old liquid gasket from the oil pan mating surfaces, bolts, and bolt holes.
2. Clean and dry the oil pan mating surfaces.

3. Apply liquid gasket, P/N 08718-0009, evenly to the cylinder block mating surface of the oil pan and to the inner threads of the bolt holes.

NOTE: Do not install the parts if 4 minutes or more have elapsed since applying liquid gasket. Instead, reapply liquid gasket after removing the old residue.

4. Install the oil pan.

5. Tighten the bolts in two or three steps. In the final step, tighten all bolts, in sequence, to 12 Nm (1.2 kgf-m, 8.7 ft. lbs.).

6. Install the stiffener.

7. Remove the special tool, then tighten the bolt securing the side engine mount bracket.

If the engine still in the vehicle, do the following steps
8. Install the upper bracket, then install the ground cable.
9. Install a new set ring on the end of left side driveshaft, then install the driveshaft. Make sure each ring "clicks" into place in the differential.
10. Connect the right side suspension lower arm ball joint.
11. Install the right side damper fork.
12. Connect the stabilizer links.
13. Install the splash shield.
14. Lower the hoist.
15. Tighten the front mount bolt, then install the front mount stop.
16. Tighten the rear mount bolt, then install the rear mount stop.
17. After assembly, wait at least 30 minutes before filling the engine with oil.