Brake System Indicator Does Not Come On
Brake system indicator does not come on1. With the parking brake applied, turn the ignition switch ON (II), and watch the brake system indicator.
Does the brake system indicator come on?
YES - Go to step 3.
NO - Go to step 2.
2. Turn the ignition switch OFF then ON (II) again.
Does the ABS indicator come on for several seconds?
YES - Replace the gauge control module.
NO - Repair open in the indicator power source circuit, If necessary, substitute a known-good gauge control module, and recheck.
3. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
4. Release the parking brake.
5. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).
Does the brake system indicator come on for several seconds?
YES - Go to step 6.
NO - Check for loose terminals in the gauge control module connectors. If necessary, substitute a known-good gauge control module, and rechecked
6. Apply the parking brake.
Does the brake system indicator come on?
YES - The system is OK at this time.
NO - Go to step 7.
7. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
8. Disconnect the parking brake switch connector.
9. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).
10. Measure the voltage between the parking brake switch connector terminal and body ground.
Is there battery voltage?
YES - Replace the parking brake switch.
NO - Go to step 11.
11. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
12. Remove the gauge control module.
13. Connect gauge control module connector A (22P) terminal No. 4 and body ground with a jumper wire.
14. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).
Does the brake system indicator come on and stay on?
YES - Repair open in the wire between the gauge control module, and the parking brake switches
NO - Replace the gauge control module.