Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seats: Description and Operation

Power Seat

How the Circuit Works

Driver's Power Seat

Battery voltage is provided at all times through fuses 14 and 16 (under-dash fuse/relay box) to the driver's power seat adjustment switch.

Front Up-Down

When the front up-down switch is moved to DOWN, battery voltage is supplied to the front up-down motor through the driver's power seat adjustment switch. The front up-down motor is grounded through the UP contact of the front up-down switch. The motor will run until the switch is released or the seat reaches the full front down position. The contacts for UP operation of the front up-down switch are wired the opposite way of the DOWN contacts, causing the motor to run in the opposite direction.


Slide operation is similar to the front up-down operation.

Rear Up-Down

Rear up-down operation is similar to the front up-down operation.


Recline operation is similar to the front up-down operation.

Front Passenger's Power Seat ('05)

Battery voltage is provided at all times through fuses 13 and 17 (under-dash fuse relay box) to the front passenger's power seat adjustment switch.


When the slide switch is moved to FORWARD, battery voltage is supplied to the slide motor through the passenger's power seat adjustment switch. The slide motor is grounded through the BACKWARD contact of the slide switch. The motor will run until the switch is released or the seat reaches the full forward position. The contacts for BACKWARD operation of the slide switch are wired the opposite way of the FORWARD switch, causing the motor to run in the opposite direction.


Recline operation is similar to the slide operation.