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Picture Has Lines/Other Issues

Picture has lines/other issues

Diagnostic Test: Monitor Check

- Always check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
- Before troubleshooting, get the navigation system anti-theft codes.
- After troubleshooting, enter the navigation system anti-theft codes.

1. Check for electronic aftermarket accessories (passibly hidden) mounted near the display unit or the navigation unit.

Are there any electronic accessories?

YES - Disable the accessories, and recheck.

NO - Go to step 2.

2. Start up the navigation picture.

Is the picture scrolling horizontally (left to right or right to left)?

YES - Check for an open or short to ground in the C SIG wire from navigation unit connector A (20P) terminal No.12 to display unit 20P connector terminal No.19. Also check for a short to ground between display unit 20P connector terminal No.19 and terminal No.20.

NO - Go to step 3.

3. Go into the Diagnostic mode and use "RGB Color" diagnostic under Monitor Check

Is the picture missing a red, green or blue color?

YES - Do troubleshooting for the picture is missing a red, green or blue color or tone.

NO - Go to step 4.

4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
5. Substitute a known-good display unit, and recheck

Is the picture OK?

YES - Check for loose connections, then replace the original display unit.

NO - Check for loose connections and recheck. If a poor connection or loose terminal is found, replace the shielded harness. If no poor or loose terminals are found, substitute a known-good navigation unit and recheck. If the problem is gone, replace the original navigation unit.