Mic Level

Mic Level
This diagnostic allows you to independently test the microphone and steering wheel TALK, and BACK buttons. The microphone and steering wheel buttons are used to activate the voice control system. The microphone is located near the map light in the ceiling. It is directional, and works best if the voice is coming from the drivers seat.
- Push the TALK button on the steering wheel, and in a normal voice say "testing". The TALK indicator on the screen should momentarily become green, and the text "Now Recording..." should appear in yellow. In addition, the Mic Level indicator should on the screen does not briefly become green, then check the wiring from the steering wheel talk button to the navigation unit. If there is no "Mic Level" movement when you speak, then you should check the wire running from the microphone to the control unit.
- Push the BACK button on the steering wheel. This should cause the Cancel indicator on the screen to momentarily become green. If it does not briefly change to green, then check the wiring from the steering wheel BACK button to the navigation unit.